How Bush STOLE
My Sons Christmas
Part 2/2 of "My Story" Dear Mr. President & Elected Officials: UPDATES POSTED HERE It was very difficult for me to buy any Christmas for my 16 year old son. He is desperate for clothes from a growing sprit. Months ago I put his holiday presents in layaway at Wal-Mart, mostly clothes he needs. I can't afford the goodies I would normally package together for the holidays. This is the 3rd holiday I have promised him that "Next year it would be Different, honey". But, now even that promise I have to break again. I had to let his Christmas go back to the store in order to get medication I was eligible for with Medicaid, yet could not get again when I needed it. So, now my son will wake up to no Christmas at all, no way to correct it now, and I wake up to a situation that I know will only gets worse. You see, last year I was faced with being homeless again due to a disability I have been fighting for several years. For a long time we did not know what it was. By the time I really discovered what it was, time had passed, I was financially strapped, and no one would help me cause the sickness got in the way of my helping myself. (my disorders) This year, I have finally had some remission and clarity in my life. So, with help from a friend, I created a "window of opportunity" this past year to see doctors I needed, get some test, get some medical help with Medicaid, in hopes of getting better so I could become self reliant again. And if I couldn't work full time, to get just a little disability to cushion me >>>> so that My son and I would not be in a homeless situation ever again because of my medical condition which comes and goes constantly. It tried to get help before, but seem to fall short, and so I am constantly needing help. Its very difficult to be in that situation, when you are an independent, motivated personality, who does know the difference between quality life and poverty. So, last year when I finally fell on my feet again, I decided to do things a little differently. I started working on getting the help Before I am homeless again. Before I got worse in health by lack of medical needs again. Before I was bed ridden again and helpless... The system we have in place to assist in situations like this, could it have made that difference in the outcome of this year, but instead, our system is set up for failure for those that need it! People who try to get help "those in need of such help," fall short going back and forth in the system we now have. The public wonders why the line is so long now. Why the system is over whelmed. Why people are homeless and do not understand why so many are living OFF the system. GOVERNMENTAL OFFICIALS, HAVE MADE THE SYSTEM THIS THIS WAY, to do just that. The system is not made to help people productively where they are encouraged to even try! I am one of those people, who needed help and feel "the system" by the way of due processing, is keeping me worse off and in the system instead of any encouragement to do otherwise. Personally, I want to be healthy and WANT to work. There are things I want to do in life. I surely hate being in my situation, but cannot get out by myself with my disability. Without proper tools. The way the system is designed, it does not respond to those in need on a timely basis or even realistic basis. The Medicaid program is simply not designed for those with real serious problems, and yet it is suppose to be one of the benefits for those that become disabled or those that are medically needy. They have chased most of the specialist and doctors away by paying late, and other problems similar, leaving me medical assistance that does not serve the purpose of such needs to make the difference. There are always those who need to be weeded out. Yes, there are some who will only want to take advantage of the system we now have in place. Those that do not know the difference in a quality lifestyle, and cling on to poverty. But for "Most People" who do need this help, they are struggling with children, living far under the poverty income Level and simply are not making it. Others, like my self, might could work and even become fully independent again, but we have serious medical issues that have to be attended to and need tools to help us compensate for such disability, in order for that to be a possibility .. Others, like veterans, became disabled, struggle to get what they need after returning from war to a whole new world they didn't plan on when they left their secure homes to fight for our country. And last, there are those who have completely disabled situations due to terminal or long term care in disability needs. For me, the answer would have been simple if I had control over my own illness. I could have easily went out and gotten a career with good benefits and my problems would have been solved. I am self motivated, stubborn to the kill, with 14 years of volunteering in my community and I want more in life. I already know its up to me to get the extra things I want and need. Its up to me, to have a productive life. Only problem is, I am ill, and not getting the proper medical attention I need, I am this prisoner in my own body, confined there NOT by my own doings. I do not take drugs. I don't drink. I was not raised in the slums, and although I do get confused at times, and my writing sucks, I am not incapable of climbing a mountain. But this mountain requires tools. And without the tools, I have NO vehicle to get where I need to be for a productive life. And the ONE system in place to help people like me, is faulty. I wanted to get out of financial & physical prison. Out of the system and back on my own if possible. I had a whole year to get the help I needed, only because someone offered rental to me very cheep knowing my situation. But even though I have still created a window/cushion so I could get this help without being homeless, instead, I was sabotaged by the system. It takes so long to get help in the system we now have. The system now in place KEEPS people in poverty and keeps conditions from getting better, through a prolong process for such help; in a system that instead it is a can of worms, without productivity for those that do want to try. Now I sit here on the 7th day of December, waiting for the electricity to be turned off. Waiting to get an eviction notice. Not sure where I will find a place to live with no deposits, stripped now of my checking account (temporally), and tarnished credit... I had made arrangements this year so I would have that window, and instead I am worse off than I was with your assistance program, I am mad. Angry that after trying to get such assistance, I would most likely still be homeless after all this time, still having to fight, which I know will be impossible to do homeless, much less traumatizing for anyone who is in such a position! Hey how about this idea? Instead of asking tax payers to donate that "FAT Buck" on their income taxes for political purposes, why not change that fat wallet AD SPACE on our tax forms and instead "PUT it back into the people" in a 12 month program to get them back on their feet productively instead of having them homeless and going in & out of THE SYSTEM for years, in the long run taking up more tax dollars and NOT being productive for self reliance. ok then, try this one. Maybe you could do this... > How about replacing a few people like me who can't function physically outside the home on a regular basis without complications; why not give "US" a job in the home, saving overhead on some of the positions you already have there in capital hill or in community federal placements and putting disabled people who might could work, back into a productive society again. Why not create more government tax cuts and special program incentives for businesses that hire home agents who have disabilities and cannot work outside otherwise? You know many people can work on computers, communications through phone, and internet... Their are some people disabled who can be trained just like new employees are trained. Na, a program like that would make too much sense! Back to the point. After 18 months of fussing and whining about it all, I finally took action. For over a year I have called MR. GOVERNOR JED BUSH, but YOU "REFUSED" TO EVEN GIVE ME A PHONE APPOINTMENT,,,, AND Bob Sharpe, Deputy Secretary for Medicaid IN FL, will not call me back either. For the longest time I was very very nice about it, just asking to be heard. To get answers. To ask your advice. To ask for help. I needed answers because of lack of communications and support on your end, and passing the buck each time. My doctors couldn't find a specialist for me. I have medical needs that beyond the expertise of clinic general doctors. Even one of my doctors said so, so why am I still not seeing them and NOT a specialist! Why do I have more conditions now that I would have, if only you had provided the specialist I needed. You are suppose to have them in the system, yet you hardly do at all. And NONE around here that will see me. Why is it so hard to find any doctors other than general clinic physicians, and then you have to wait so long to even see many of those? I am so frustrated and in tears, I am "beside myself". Enough is Enough. I do not need any additional help in hardship and in poverty. I can already do that myself! I called the white house months ago, and sent emails. I have called Dennis smith, director of states of Medicaid.. That took 3 calls just to find his location, in his office building. Twice your switchboard receptionist didn't even know who you were! Great training there Mr. Smith!) But you didn't call either. What does it take to be heard? My life is too important to just walk around dead-like while my body falls apart, and I then I will have "no chance" at a quality life. Then I would be in poverty and confined there forever! I have already been dead for years with this condition. For the first time I have clarity, and boy and I pissed off that I cannot and have not gotten the help I needed, so I could have had a more productive life. I will not sit quietly now. Not until I get answers. the life I have left is too important to me. My kids deserve me than that, and TAX PAPERS who pay out money for people like me, Have the right to know that such money is being used to help of course, but that it is also being used to get people help in a realistic manner in hopes of Productive Independence, and not KEEP THEM IN THE SYSTEM! Finally, after crying for months with no results, Your staff called and ask me for list of doctors I was given several times, different list... I told them. They tried to tell me they referred me. I informed them with who I said? and I finally told them, let me pass the buck too > I asked them to just give me ONE name of a specialist they told me to go to in immunology/Rheumatology? "Oh, I'll call you back... Of course I never got a name.... Then they call and Pass the buck to the doctor... I said ok, well, who is the specialist I am to go to.... No, YOU TELL ME A NAME... He was rude, and would NOT give me a name of any doctors I need. Then they said they gave me a name of another specialist. A hosbital. I said, NO, i mentioned I found that hosbital on the internet and asked about them. I was never referred to them and my doctor already tried to get me in there. But they don't except referrals nor take people 60 miles away. But "I" am the one who found that too. but, its 4 hours away and so far, they will not consider anyone over 60 miles away. Hey, what does that tell you? I STILL HAVE NO SPECIALIST! I have several health issues. My health is at risk by having a gum disease with an immune disorder, which created the gum disease. YOUR PEOPLE say dental is not covered, although it was when i first got in the system. It now not covered! But I didn't need dental. My teeth had no cavities where any of my teeth had to be Yanked out. Yet this condition puts additional serious risk on me with immune disorder. Yet you REFUSE to stop the disease. I never asked you to fix one tooth! Just to stop the disease. It would have cost $2,000 to STOP the diseased, now after time passed, with no help still, it will cost around $30,000 to fix the situation, and climbing every day its not attended to... much less creating new medical conditions by NOT stopping the disease in the early stages. Now it cannot be just fixed without treating everything in my mouth and with TMJ, which you will not address and possibly leading to heart problems. I HAD NO CAVITIES where any of my teeth had to be YANKED OUT. Your people say for me to just pull out my teeth... I have mostly POSTED TEETH and caps... You know what that means? it means many of my teeth are literally screwed in! I had about $25,000 worth of dentistry years ago when I was younger. I did not get the disease due to poor cleaning. >>> NO DOCTOR IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would have just pulled out all $25,000 worth of good dental work like you later came back and suggested (but never gave me any names for even that suggestion or help) You do not pull out that much work when its not necessary! You treat the disease, not yank out good teeth like your system is doing to so many people. Your people tells doctors to Yank them out good or bad! Not to fix the disease. There are cases where people whose teeth are in good shape, do not need YANKING OUT, if the disease has not yet affected the teeth! It took me 18 months after fighting, in which I was already 36 months past due for a Colonoscopy. When I finally got to the Gastroenterologist, he immediately did it, but now its developed into IBS (irregular Bowel syndrome). Mr. President, I see how long it took you to have yours! I know yours should come first because you are our president. No debate about that. I can't even compare with you. That's not the issue. The question I ask myself, is that if you are going to help me, Is my life less important as a human being, that such risk are expectable for me? By not treating my immune problems in that area too, now I will have to live with IBS. What's next before action is put into it? Even though I am eligible, your office continuously won't put me in the system in a timely manner that my health requires in the Medicaid assistance I do get. Your guidelines are NOT realistic... basically your guide lines tell me when I can get sick to what days out of the month can get needed medication, see the doctor, depending on when your people log me in the computer each and every month! Honestly to God, I just don't understand why my body will not get sick on the days of the month that you have set up in your guide-lines, so things could work some what smoother for us both. If you acknowledge anything at all, I just have one question. WHAT FOOL IN MANAGEMENT, IN CAPITAL HILL, MADE UP THAT 10-days-to-key-in-eligibilities Guide line, for those medically needy on a month to month basis? Explain to me how this is "NOT sabotaging" those in need. I HOPE TO GOD, YOU ARE NOT PROUD OF YOURSELF ON THAT ONE. My Dear Mr. President & Guys in congress.... you agreed on this kind of program? You honestly to god sake think this is How you provide good help to a medically needy person? To go through this each month... I SAY >>> HUMBUG to you this holiday season! SHAME ON YOU
MR. President Funny, I though YOU were the president?
Here is 1 sample of my eligibility and the denials. God help us all, if we ALL get on a government health reform! Don't believe me? How about asking an acquaintance I know in New Jersey. Why don't you go ask her. She Tried to get disability but she was not sick with similar problems and conditions according to your guidelines and the long term processing it takes to go through the system several times before you get the help you need....She tried to get specialist, like I am fighting to do... only she found herself using emergency hospital doctors all the time instead of specialist. She's ONLY 38 years old with a family. Why don't you ask Gladys Mendez? Oh, that's right. YOU CAN'T ASK HER >>>> She died a few months ago on the way back to that hospital, at age 38, leaving several kids behind so, we can't really ask her if her condition was bad enough for help and disability now can we... She died cause SHE WAS SICK! Died going back to that same hospital, to see the same emergency doctors who treated her instead of a specialist she needed. Her condition was not bad enough for disability you say? But not sick enough to get proper medical specialist or to get disability benefits, right? She needed a specialist. She needed disability. She couldn't keep her job. She was not sick alright.. What do I know... Go ask her now? When I was becoming homeless last year and asked for help, I was down to $500 a month coming in and I made to much to get help... lol (let's see poverty starts at $17,000 a year, so what heck does one call this income? But, You say its STILL too much money to have helped me... ) Due to illness, and lack of medical care, I couldn't keep my job unless I got medical attention, so they let me go. I counldn't keep up and became to ill. I have $300 that comes in automatically, so after I couldn't work, Medicaid FINALLY said, you make too much for any thing else... but, we can finally help out on some food and medical share of cost. Anything over your share (which is not much at all) we will help with. Ok, that's just Great... I at least can get the doctors I need and maybe I can get healthy enough to go back to work... But I can not live off $300. I could use a little cushion here cause in that process, I will be homeless if I don't get help I need from disability.... so I applied AGAIN for disability (1st time in 1997, 2001) Again last year and both times your social security did not follow through and said I did not follow through because they lost my paper work. Only this last time I was denied over them losing my paper work again, I KEPT COPIES. You lost my files... and in the process, turned me down again! I had to send YOUR OWN PEOPLE MY FILES.. GREAT! Still, you have me denied and will not go back and fix it. I am appealing and I hope to gods sake you do the right thing, instead of forcing me and my son to be on he streets by not processing me in due time. That cushion would make the difference, while I see my doctors, get treated, and learn a new field of work if possible. This gives me that chance for self reliance again. Thank you.. I said graciously. But, I couldn't get disability because you make it impossible. Because I worked at all and made even $1 DURING THE YEAR, I am not considered disabled. So, people are left helpless. LISTEN TO THIS: If I am homeless, or losing my secure place to live, and I find some way to make just $1 to help myself, I am considered NOT TO BE disabled... Yet, Someone who IS "ALREADY qualified" as disabled, who is getting disablity every month, can go out and work part time or 9 months out of the year and STILL REMAIN ELIGIBLE ON A SLIDING SCALE? WHAT I SAID, when I found this out! It takes someone 3 years or so to get disability and you expect them to be homeless and needy during ALL this time of processing and I ask you this question? How in gods name is this possible? Yet, once they become disabled, they can try to work and its ok? I am no different now than I will be later. You are FORCING ME INTO EVEN MORE POVERTY IN YOUR SYSTEM... CREATING MORE HARDSHIP when I am no different now that I will be later. My diease will not change. But without help, I will have MORE OF THE PROBLEMS BY THEN. How in gods name does this prove I am disabled or not. It only keeps me homeless longer and more desuetude. It surely is not productive for those in need and those with medical conditions... and it "IS" without a doubt discriminating, sabotaging, and creates additional hardships for those who do have medical needs. for those who "really are" disabled. THAT IS THE MOST DISCRIMINATING FACTOR I HAVE EVER HEARD YOUR GUIDE LINES ARE PURPOSELY DISCRIMINATING AGAINST THOSE WHO HAVE DISABILITIES YOURSELF, WITHIN YOUR OWN GUILD LINES .... The public needs to know and read the fine print in your program! The past 2 years I thought, Oh, maybe I can learn the internet and build websites... I could even do that from home in bed! SO, I worked real hard to get this far, but I have to have a one on one tutor to go any further. And I need better programs. There is too much I do not know to do this professionally for income. But, I thought, just maybe with some assistance, get my health condition under control, and with training, I might could have been doing this part time by now too. I might have even been able to have my son a present or two under A tree, along with some self respect! HEY, how am doing so far with this web stuff, Mr. Government Officials? Here is a Prime example of help people get and when they get it.... When I finally got food stamps in the beginning, my first food stamps came 2 months later after trying to get them, after I was approved. After becoming homeless for many! Now, let me explain something to you here. And read this Mr. president, and get it right. Also those who are wondering about "the systems" and the so called timely assistance of help, to those that get it, are receiving it. Listen to this.... One cannot buy fast food or prepare food with food stamps.. right? How on earth do you expect a homeless person to cook food after they are homeless, after you give them that help months later. Where are they going to put it? I guess I could go down to the PUBLIC PARK SOMEWHERE AND BUILD A LARGE CAMP FIRE AND COOK ON THAT.... AFTER I AM HOMELESS. You know what this means to....
Where do you expect a homeless family
NO REFRIGERATOR & NO STOVE! That is the real reality that many are faced with. 2 months after they qualify is not getting it! AFTER SOMEONE IS HOMELESS! After some becomes more ill through complications or no reversing the condition, after someone's credit is destroyed... AFTER... in long processing... is not getting it. Sure it helps, anything will help and is deeply appreciated, but it just can be done differently to avoid these people in such need, additional hardships. To get them going so they do not stay in the system and suffer less. ANOTHER PRIME EXAMPLE OF HOW GOVERNMENT HELPS: After Sept 11th, at the unemployment office, I had to drop papers off. I sat and watched the un-employment staff ask so many people who lost their job, if they needed help with food. If so, to just sign up for food stamps! I WAS SO ANGRY SEEING THAT... Why? How many people went through that application process, in real needs because they live pay check to pay check on minimum wage, and you have these people give these familes false hope, when YOU ALREADY KNEW ahead of the game, that they were not going to get them, cause they wouldn't qualify. How could you have done that to people. YOUR guild lines DON'T go by what you have now, the guild lines go by what you did 2 or 3 months ago! And if you made income during that time over $300 bucks a month, or similar to such, you can't get them. So, why did they encourage people to sign up knowing they JUST lost their job? They could easily just informed people that "if you have not found work in the next 90-120 days (whatever) you might be eligible for food stamps". Instead, they encouraged everyone to sign up if they were in need NOW. UNREAL... Is it to make the public THINK you were doing more than you actually are? Why would you have un-employment do this, that way? To give out false hope. To fill out applications when they JUST GOT UNEMPLOYED> Its not like you will take applications in advance. Another example of what I am talking about. They turn you down and tell you to apply in another 2 months or some time frame of such if you are WORSE OFF later.
I was denied my visit to the immunologist this week that I finally got an appointment with after much search. Even though I am still not sure if he could help, because he is only HALF of what I need. And there is a difference in doctors and capabilities of there specialties. But It was denied. Why? Because you have 10 days to put me in the system... And even though I was eligible, and I meet my share of cost, and I have papers that show this too, YOUR COMPUTER says to that doctors office and at the drug store when I get my medication, that I am not eligible. So, he would not see me. When I called crying, your people say, oh, just come by each month to your counselors office and pick up a temporary print out that says you have meet your share of cost and confirms you are eligible... But drug stores and private doctors outside a few clinics don't care about that. YOU KNOW THIS! They ONLY go by wants in the computers NOW. Make another appointment! By the time I get appointments changed, I have to start the benefits all over again because the month is over with. I was eligible in November. I went to the doctors office on 11/21ist for a physical. I was told to go straight back to the primary care main doctors because my blood pressure was to high. That doctor told me to go get medication and start it at once. But I can't get medication because I have to wait for you to key it in. And by then, I have to start all over again. As of today, December the 7th, I still do not have that medication for high blood pressure. And now I Sit and wait for it to show up in the computer at the drug store before I get this medication.... Yesterday, December the 6th, in the mail, I receive notice I meet my requirements for NOVEMBER! Only one problem > ITS DECEMBER THE 5th! The letter is dated December 2nd! Guess What ITS TOO LATE AGAIN! Copies of documents Tell me something Elective Officials, Are you also still buying hammers at $100 a piece? Hammers will only kill our pocketbook. This has to be killing people. After so much stress with it all, I have doubt that is where the high blood pressure is coming from, or from my advanced gum disease, you REFUSE TO TREAT knowing I have an immune disorder.... A disease that leads to heart disease, TMJ which I now have, and other problems. Maybe its from that? I guess we will not find out cause you can't find me the darn doctors I need! Here are a few questions I think you should answer before you come back my way, at me on my site. I am tried of those that have no idea what disabilities are, or those who have no experienced homelessness, or very low incomes.... yet make the decisions up for those that do. Why not take a few decision makers, and put them out on the street with no money, no resources, a fake file on torn credit, and put them through your program. THEN, after about 90 days of such, they will be able to use common sense and figure out a system that will be productive. Why not take a national survey with those that "have" disabilities, and who have become self reliant again? why not find out first hand what helped them to get back on their feet and what help was NOT real help. You don't have to take my work for it. Many little things you and contributors offer is great and sounds helpful, but has no long term or short term value for real needs to make a difference.... Its not unappreciated, that's not what I am saying. What I am trying to say is, those same efforts could be used for better resources that COULD make a difference. Take the word from those who have been successful in the same problem you are trying to fix. What tools did they need to get there? You might just find out how much money you are wasting, and where you really do need to put your resources at... And when.... I am for self productivity... Not for living in the system. I think its great its there, but I think its not being used properly. And I really feel the proof is in the pudding. NO ONE should be in any kind of system for more than 6-36 months who is not bedridden, depending on one situation. I think there are other ways to help people, help themselves. And I am one of those people!!!!!! How many people who have been through your existing system, are NOW average income families over $20,000? How long and what does it take for the average disabled person who is medically needy, to go through the process of getting any such assistance? How many of these continue to live off those means you provide them with, VS climb above it after they get your help? How many below average families that have been through your system, who RIGHT NOW, are average income families. How many? What percentage of people have you helped, that made a difference? Or are most of them still in the same poverty level... What is the percentage that someone returns to the same system and lives in a circle of poverty? My son needed clothes, and it was very hard to buy any holiday gifts for him. He's a good kid with good grades and ask so little of me. He deserved more! I tried so hard to just give him that.... just a little christmas joy to wake up to.... YOUR Lack of attention in my matter gave me no choice but to return what little things I tried to get him, because even the assistance I have that is suppose to be helping, failed me again. I was eligible, yet because the system is faulty, I couldn't get the help i needed that is suppose to make such differences. THIS IS WHY I FEEL YOU HAVE ROBBED MY SON OF HIS ONLY CHANCE FOR A NORMAL HOLIDAY too this year. Not even normal holiday I would say... But something at least. Not to wake up to a tree, or anything under it....... I know my story goes beyond extras, but every kid deserves something. He just turned 16. I know it is hard for him.. And he has done nothing! I wonder how the kids Mendez family feels? I try to think of those worse. I don't live in the slums. Although I am not sure where I will be living soon, I live in an area where there are no real slums like in big cities. I am grateful for that. But, I am REALLY CONCERNED. I feeling like I have to fight for my life here, but I AM SCARED, because I know there are others out here. Others who are far worse off. Who cares enough to help them?